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Our investment solutions continuously deliver to our clients. Taking into account liquidity, security and yield, the NCBA investment management team will handle your money investments so that risks are minimised while all income opportunities are maximised.

Earn high interests with fixed rates for the term of your investment, so you don’t have to worry about declining interest rates.

Minimum Opening Balance KES 100,000
Access To Online Banking


  • Minimum opening balance of KES 100,000
  • Interest payment options are flexible, allowing interest to be paid monthly, quarterly, biannually, annually.
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Earn high-yield returns and determine how long you want to invest, with the flexibility to reinvest at maturity. Interest rates are fixed for the period of your investment.

Minimum Opening Balance KES 100,000
Minimum Investment Term One Month


  • Minimum opening balance of KES 100,000.
  • Minimum investment term of one month.
  • Interest payment options are flexible, allowing interest to be paid at different intervals or upon maturity.
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